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Variations of Teen Patti (2025)

Similar to poker, Teen Patti is a popular card game from India and it is one of the most popular games that Indians play at online casinos.

As such, it is no surprise that Teen Patti has many different versions. In this article, we will cover all the Teen Patti variations that we could find in more detail, so keep reading to learn more about them and check out our list of casinos in India that offer many Teen Patti variations.

List of Teen Patti Variations
Online Casino India
Sean Byrne
Sean Byrne

Content Editor at


Online Casinos, Casino Games, Sports Betting, Payment Methods

Last Updated

Best Variations of 3 Patti Games

So, we mentioned already that Teen Patti has so many different variations, which makes it hard sometimes to keep track of them all.

With that in mind, we decided to collect in one place all the best Teen Patti variations that we could find, allowing you to check them all out and choose those that you like the most to try out and play.

Teen Patti Variations India

1. Discard One

Probably one of the simplest versions of Teen Patti is Discard One since it mostly relies on the standard rules of the game. The difference is in the number of cards that each player gets — instead of three, the dealer gives each player four cards.

Then, the players choose one of the cards to discard and continue the game with three cards, as usual.

2. Joker

One of the most popular 3 Patti variations is Joker, which is also one of the simplest variations of the game. The game starts with the dealer giving each player three cards and one card being nominated as a wild card, or joker, by the dealer. Then, the dealer also nominates all other cards of the same number, rank, and strength as jokers.

Other than the inclusion of wild cards, i.e. jokers, this Teen Patti version follows all the same rules as the standard version.

3. Lowest Joker or Low Wild

Another 3 Patti version that includes wild cards is the Lowest Joker variation. In this one, each player’s lowest card counts as a joker, while the rest of the rules remain the same as in the basic version. Sometimes, this version is also called Low Wild

4. High Wild

The exact opposite of Lowest Joker or Low Wild is the High Wild version of Teen Patti. In this one, the highest card in your hand counts as a joker, while other rules remain the same as in the standard 3 Patti version.

5. Joker Hunt

Joker Hunt is one of the most interesting variations of Patti. Here, the dealer deals 3 cards to each player, after which he spreads additional cards on the table. According to the rules, the dealer must spread twice as many cards on the table as the number of players plus 3 additional cards. What this means is that in case there are 3 players, the dealer spreads nine cards — 3 x 2 + 3. The cards are spread face-up.

After the cards are dealt, players can then choose to take one open card and replace it with a single card from their hand. If a player decided to keep all of their cards, they must then “close” one of the open cards, thus eliminating the said card. The three remaining open cards act as jokers.

6. Buying Jokers Seen and Unseen

In this type of Teen Patti, every player is handed three cards. After the cards are dealt, players purchase jokers over the next two rounds. During the first round, each player pays a predetermined price for jokers and the money is then deposited into the pot. The player then picks any of the cards to be a joker.

The number of jokers that can be purchased by players is unlimited. What’s more, in the second round a player may purchase a joker from other players, but they also need to put the same amount of money into the pot. So, basically, if you choose to buy a joker from other players, you’ll be paying for it twice.

The game is repeated after the second round, and the winner gets to collect everything from the pot.

7. Rotating Jokers

As in the regular Teen Patti game, every player will receive three cards. Out of the three cards, one will be open, while the remaining two cards stay closed. The open card acts as the player’s joker and the value of the card is not predetermined, so it can be of any value.

In case a player decides to fold, their open card automatically becomes a joker until the end of the game. So, if a player folds, you’ll no longer be allowed to use your own joker card. When another player folds, the open card of the player that folded before him becomes a joker, and so on. So, if you have a Q of hearts and a K of hearts as your closed cards and the player that is the first to fold has an A of hearts, you will then have a pure sequence.

8. Folding Joker

At the start of the game, each player receives four cards, with one of them separated and unseen. These separate cards are not included in the hand, so you can’t use them to create your hand.

Then, one of the three cards from a player’s hand is shown to all players and it becomes a joker for all of them. On top of that, whenever a player folds, their unseen card is also counted as a joker for all players, on top of the previous joker. So, all jokers remain in place throughout the game.

Aside from this, the other rules remain the same as in regular Teen Patti.

9. Jokers Open At 10, 20 30

Every player is handed three cards, with an additional three cards that are placed on the table face-down. These cards act as jokers. They can be opened sequentially as soon as the money reaches 10, 20, and 30.

10. 3-2-1

In this Teen Patti variation, each player receives six cards. After receiving the cards, the players play three games. The first is played with three cards and it is a standard royal game. The second game is played with two cards and is a simple game of “imagine one”. The third and final game is the one where the player with the highest remaining card is the winner.

Once players receive their cards, they’re supposed to sort them for all three games: the three-card one, the two-card one, and the single-card one. The winner is the first person to win at least two of the three games. In case each one of the three games is won by a different person, those three players repeat the 3-2-1 game.

11. 1-2-3 Shopping

The game begins by handing players three cards. After that, players go through three rounds of shopping. Each player can buy 1 counter card during the first round, by simply discarding one of their cards and receiving a new one. In the second round, players can buy two counters. After viewing all four cards in their hand, the players can then choose which one they wish to discard.

In the final round, players can spend three counters and receive two cards in return. Again, a player is supposed to discard two of the worst cards and keep the three best ones. What’s interesting, the players can but don’t have to take part in card shopping. After these three rounds are done, the game can begin.

12. In and Out

In and out can be played in various ways. It relies on a turn-based system where two counters are placed on the table by every participant. First, the dealer will distribute cards to players and put three cards that act as jokers on the table. After that, each player should decide if they’re “in” or “out”. This is determined by the cards the players hold, so if they believe their cards are good enough, they will stay “in”.

The cards of the players that choose the “out” option become new jokers, and the previous jokers are then discarded. If there are two or more remaining players, they compare their hands. This is done by checking the jokers once everyone takes their turn.

13. Closest to 555

The Closest to 555 is a Teen Patti variation where, once more, three cards are handed to each player. The best cards are the ones that come closest to 555, as the name suggests, by arranging the cards as numbers. Here, picture cards are treated as 0 while the ace is treated as 1. The number closest to 555 is the winning number, and it can be either higher or lower than 555 – both variations are accepted.

Over the next two rounds, players can exchange their cards for other cards from the deck to try and improve their hands. However, they must first choose a card they wish to discard before they receive a random card from the deck. After the two rounds are done, the players return to betting as usual.

14. 999

Similar to the Closest to 555 version, in the 999 Teen Patti variation, the player that manages to get the number that’s closest to 999 wins. Here, the suit of the card doesn’t play any role as all of the cards have their predetermined values.

K, Q and J equal 0, regardless of the suit, while the aces equal 1. The other cards retain their numbers as value.

So, for instance, if you have 6-9-A, your cards are equal to 691. If another player has 9-Q-3, their cards are equal to 903, which makes them a winner as their cards are closer to 999 than yours.

It’s also important to note that you can change the sequence of your cards, in order to get a higher number. So, instead of having 691, you can rearrange your cards to 961, which will make you the winner instead of your opponent, as your cards will then become closer to 999.

15. Nearest to 51

Another version of Teen Patti similar to the previous two is the Nearest to 51 variation, which is also similar to blackjack. After all, instead of getting close to 21 like in blackjack, you need to get as close as possible to 51, while not going over it.

Each player is dealt three 3 cards and they can purchase cards to get them close to 51 by paying two counters. Once all players are happy with their choices and cards, the hands are opened to see who is the closest to 51.

16. Temperature

In this Teen Patti version, that’s quite similar to in-out, players receive three cards each. The dealer then places three cards on the table that act as jokers. The players then need to decide if they’re “in” or “out” and voice their decision at the same time. Once they decide, a card is then chosen from the deck and placed on the table face-up. This card is also known as the “temperature” card.

If the temperature card is any card between ace and six, the player with the lowest hand wins. On the other hand, if the temperature card is any card from sevens to kings, the player with the highest hand wins this Teen Patti game. This quite interesting twist to the traditional in and out is precisely what makes temperature so exciting to play.

17. Banko

Banko is another popular variation of Teen Patti games. Every participant in this game plays the game independently. This is another variation that is turn-based. So, when it’s your turn to play, you must first place your deposit in the pot. After you make a deposit, the dealer will then place two cards face-up on the table in front of you.

Then, you’re supposed to make a prediction whether or not the third card will fit into that range of cards. So, for instance, if the dealer reveals the two cards and they are 3 and 7, and you predict that the next card will be somewhere between those two, but it turns out to be 9, you will be out of the game.

After the dealer reveals the third card – and if you’ve guessed correctly – you’ll be allowed to stay in the game. If not, you will be out. Needless to say, the game continues until there’s only one player left. The winnings go to the player that remains the only one in the game.

18. High-Low Split

In the high-low split, the money pot is divided between the player that has the highest hand and the one with the lowest hand. High-low split itself also features two alternatives – “declaration” and “cards speak”.

In the first variation, all players must declare – hence the name – which hand they wish to contest for, the highest or the lowest one. After everyone declares their decision, the pot is split in two and it comes the time to show the cards. During the show, players compare each other’s cards and the winners are the players with the highest and the lowest hand.

In “cards speak” there’s no need to declare anything, you simply need to show your cards and compare.

Before it’s time to show the cards, all players must first determine the number of betting rounds. Three mandatory rounds need to pass before any players decide to fold, and the number of rounds can go up to 10. Unlike the traditional Teen Patti, here you can have more than two players in the show.

19. The Ol’ Card on the Forehead (Maatha/Cobra)

Unlike in normal Teen Patti, each player receives a single card. After receiving your card, you need to place it on your forehead without checking to see what the card is. The point is for every player to be able to see each other’s cards, without seeing their own.

After all of the cards are revealed, the players start making bets based on what they think their card may be. Not only is this Teen Patti variation super fun to play, but it’s also quite popular, particularly among the younger crowd. It is also known by different names, the most popular being Maatha and Cobra.

20. Odd Sequence

In the Odd Sequence, the only thing that differs from traditional Teen Patti is how the players form their sequences. In order to form a sequence in normal Teen Patti, you will need to use consecutive cards – such as 3, 4, 5 or 7, 8, 9.

In this variation, however, players form sequences by alternating cards from the sequence – such as 3, 5, 7 or 4, 6, 8, and so on. So, if you’re feeling like someone who doesn’t really have much luck with straight cards, Odd Sequence may be the perfect game for you.

21. Red And Black

In this Teen Patti variation, players are dealt three cards each. After that, the dealer places one card in the middle of the table. As each round finishes, an additional card is dealt. If the card in the centre of the table is red, the game continues as normal with the joker’s value clearly stated. So, for instance, if the card in the centre is a four of hearts, all 4s become joker cards.

But if the card in the middle is black, the player with the lowest hand becomes the winner of the game. In traditional Teen Patti, for instance, a Q-Q-Q trio would be more valuable than the 2-3-7 sequence. But if the central card is black, the 2-3-7 sequence becomes the winning hand.

22. 2 Cards Open

In this variation, every player will receive three cards – two facing up and one of them facing down. After everyone receives their cards, the players must then place bets, based on what the third card may be. Here, all players must play with all three cards – two facing up and one facing down, without the option to play blind.

23. Auction

As usual, all players are dealt three cards each. But the difference here is that the dealer also puts two sets of three cards in the middle of the table. Of these six cards divided into two piles, each pile contains one open and two closed cards. After that, all players get jokers from the open cards during the next two rounds.

Once these two rounds are over, the two stacks on the table are then auctioned. All players take turns bidding and all of the money goes into the main pot. The player who has the best hand can choose not to bid. The person that made the biggest bid can also swap their cards for new ones. The old cards are then discarded and the game can continue as normal.

Additionally, any player that chooses to play blind cannot look at their freshly purchased closed cards during that round.

24. Plus Sign

Once more, players are all dealt three cards. The dealer will then take five cards and make a plus sign in the centre of the table. These five cards act as jokers which means they can have any value.

But, before the dealer starts dealing, they will decide from which set of cards the players can choose jokers – the vertical or the horizontal set of cards that are forming the plus sign. After this, the players can choose their jokers.

So, as an example, if you’re holding two aces and a 5, and the dealer said that you can choose a card from the horizontal set which also contains a 5, then your 5 becomes your joker card and you can assign any value to it. Simply put, in such an instance, you’ll no longer have A-A-5 but A-A-A which is the best hand you can have.

25. Sudden Death

In this game variation, a dealer will shuffle a full deck of cards (52) and distribute them equally among all the participants. Once each player has their stack of cards in their hands (face down), they will need to hold their cards between their index finger and their thumb. Each player should then drop a card. Once the first player drops their card, all other players must do the same consecutively.

As the game progresses and players are dropping cards one after the other, any one of them can shout “Stop”. Once that happens, the players can then look at their remaining cards and choose a card with the highest value. The player that has the highest card is the winner.

26. AK47

Generally speaking, all of the rules of this Teen Patti variation are more or less the same as normal Teen Patti rules with one exception — aces, kings, 4s and 7s become joker cards. So, any player that has any one of these cards can use that card as a joker to complete their hand.

27. King Little

In this game variation, all kings become jokers. Aside from these, the smallest card of the three cards dealt to each player will also become a joker.

So, if you have K-9-2, for instance, the king and the 2 are your joker cards. That means that you actually have three 9s in your hand, considering that your king and two are jokers.

28. Kiss-Miss-Bliss

In kiss-miss-bliss, each player will receive five cards instead of two. Any two cards you choose to combine from the five cards you’ve received become your joker card. Here, you can choose to make three different types of jokers: kiss, miss or bliss.

Bliss — a pair of the same numbers

Kiss — a pair of two consecutive numbers

Miss — a pair that has one number missing from the sequence

Therefore, Kiss can be 4-5 or 7-8, Miss is 3-5 or 7-9, and Bliss is 7-7 or Q-Q. It’s important to note that you can only make a single joker in each round. In order to continue the game, players must also discard one card, ending up with four cards instead of five – two normal cards and two that form a joker card. But if you can’t make a joker card, you need to discard two cards.

29. Kissing Missing

Kissing Missing is a twist on the popular kiss-miss-bliss variation. Here, players will receive four cards – not five – and will choose two of them to form a joker. Once each player chooses a joker, all of them will receive two additional cards.

In this game variation, you can only make two jokers, kissing or missing.

Kissing — a pair of any two cards

Missing — two alternate numbers

If a player can’t form a joker, they need to discard one of their cards.

30. 1942 Love Story

In 1942 Love Story, aces, 9s, 4s, and 2s become joker cards and it doesn’t matter which suit these cards are. So, for instance, if you receive 10-9-Q, and your 9 is your joker card, you now have a sequence of 10-J-Q.

31. Lallan Kallan

Each player will be dealt three cards and the card with the odd colour of the three will become the joker card. So, for instance, if you have two black and one red card, the red card becomes your joker. In case the player has all three cards of the same colour, they will need to fold the game.

32. Stud

Hare, every player will receive one open card and two closed cards. The cards that are face-down (closed) are called hole cards, and the ones that are face-up (open) are called street cards. Aside from this, all other rules remain the same as in the traditional Teen Patti.

33. Muflis

Muffs, also called Lowball, is quite similar to the traditional Teen Patti. The only exception from the regular rules is the fact that each player ranks their hand in the opposite order. What this means is that the highest cards become the strongest, while the trio, or the strong hand, becomes the worst. After showing the cards, if two players have the same hand, the winner is the player with the lowest card.

So, for instance, if player one has K-K-K and player two has 2-3-7, in traditional Teen Patti, player one would be the winner. However, in Muflis, player two will be the one winning the game.

34. Pack Jack

In Pack Jack, all players are, once more, dealt three cards, with the three additional joker cards placed on the table. When any player decides to fold during the game, their cards become the new joker cards.

New joker cards will be placed on top of the old joker cards, making them unplayable. Each time a new player folds, their cards will replace the previous jokers, and this rule continues throughout the game.

35. One-Eyed Jack

In this Teen Patti game version, the Jack of Hearts and the Jack of Spades are called one-eyed Jacks, and they become the jokers. The other two Jacks remain regular cards and all other rules stay the same.

36. 3-Card Community

The Community version of Teen Patti has two different variations within itself, and the first one is the 3-Card Community.

In this one, players will receive two cards that are facing down and one card that is facing up. Here, the community card is the one facing upwards.

37. 5-Card Community

In the 5-Card Community, players will receive two cards that are face-down and three cards that are face-up. For a full hand, players must combine the two face-up cards with one of the face-down cards.

There will also be three community cards facing up and placed on the table by the dealer. While making a hand, players can replace any one of their cards with one community card. What’s also interesting is that here, players don’t have the option to play blind.

38. 4x Boot

In 4x Boot, all the rules are the same as in the normal Teen Patti. However, the only difference is that the Ante bet in 4 x Boot is four times the value of the standard boot, hence the name.

39. 10x Boot

This is practically the same game as the 4x Boot, but instead of the boot being four times bigger than the standard boot, it is ten times bigger. Basically, it is a high-stakes version of Teen Patti.

40. Faceoff

This is a very interesting variation of Teen Patti, in which tens, jacks, queens, kings, and aces are all used as face off cards, i.e. you are only dealt these cards. Also, there are four sets of these cards, which means that the total number of cards that are used is twenty, so only six players can play this version of Teen Patti.

Other than this, Fecoff follows the standard rules of the game, including the strength of each hand and how you can win.

41. Draw

In this version, players first put a certain stake that they all agreed on, and then the play begins. Each player is dealt three cards, but they can then choose to change one of their cards for another, at a price previously agreed upon.

All the money that is paid for swapping cards goes into the pot, and once all players are happy with their hands, the next round starts in which the winner is determined.

42. Wild Draw

Unlike the previous version, in this one, the players all get three cards. Then, the dealer takes a random card out of the deck and puts it on the table, face up.

So, the card that ends on the table is a wild card or joker, and all the other cards of the same value are also jokers. For example, if the card on the table is five, all fives are considered jokers.

43. Pairs Are Jokers

In this variant, each player is dealt seven cards and all pairs in a player’s hand are used as jokers. You need to have at least one pair in your hand to keep playing, and if you don’t, then you have to fold.

Once the game reaches a show, you choose the three best cards from your hand to show. For example, if you get 8-8-Q-Q-2-3-7, your 8s become one joker card and your Qs become another joker card.

44. One Joker, One Bust

In this variation, the players again receive three cards from the dealer. However, two of them are placed on the table, but face down. One of these cards is a joker, while the other is called a killer or a bust card.

From here, players can pay a certain amount to see both cards or just the joker. Usually, that is 5 counters to see both cards and 10 counters to see the joker. In the first case, both cards become active for that player and in the second case, only the joker becomes active. If you don’t pay anything, neither of the cards is active for you.

45. Card, Colour, Bust

Similar to the previous variation, Card, Colour, Bust also has cards that are placed on the table, but this time three instead of two and they are all open from the start.

The first one is called a card and it is a joker for the numeric value of the card. The second one is called a colour and it is a joker for that colour. The third one is called a bust and if you have the same card value in your hand, you have to fold.

46. Hukum

In this variant of Teen Patti, all players get two normal cards and one joker. The joker card substitutes for any card necessary to make a hand.

However, if there are no possible hand combinations, even when the joker card is used, the card will count as a High Card.

Play at the Top Casinos That Offer Multiple Teen Patti Variations

If you are a fan of Teen Patti, you probably want to try different versions of the game, but online casinos in India don’t always offer a lot of variations of the game.

With that in mind, we did our research and found some of the best online casinos in India where you can how to play multiple Teen Patti variations, so check our list to find out more about these casinos.

  • Casino Days

    Casino Days is an online casino with over 4000 games, including slots, table games, live casino games, and live game shows.

  • BC.Game Casino

    BC.Game Casino offers 9000+ slots, top-tier betting, and a sleek, mobile-friendly UI. This multi-award-winning platform has some support and reputation issues.

  • LuckyNiki Casino

    LuckyNiki Casino offers 4500+ slots, live games, and sports betting, with a user-friendly design, solid game info, and local payment options.

  • Rajabets Casino

    Rajabets Casino has a wide range of casino games, multiple deposit and withdrawal options, and reliable customer support available through email, phone, and live chat.

  • Jet Casino

    Jet Casino is a safe platform for Indian players to enjoy 1,000+ casino games from various providers. The site also offers different bonuses, tournaments, and a VIP Program.

  • Megapari Casino

    Megapari Casino offers a wide selection of games, competitive odds, and a variety of promotions. While the platform is feature-rich, its dated design can be a drawback.

  • Winz Casino

    Winz Casino is a reliable casino that caters to players who appreciate cryptocurrency gambling. It offers a wide range of games, including live dealer options.

  • Big Boost Casino

    Big Boost Casino has a diverse selection of over 4,000 games from renowned developers, a generous welcome bonus, and various payment options, including cryptocurrency.

  • Casumo Casino

    Casumo Casino offers a wide selection of games, a generous welcome bonus, frequent tournaments, and a loyalty program that rewards players with various perks.

  • Parimatch Casino

    Parimatch Casino is a legitimate and secure online casino operating since 1994. The site offers many casino games, various payment methods, and attractive bonuses.

  • Leon Bet Casino

    Renowned for fair gaming, Leon Bet Casino distinguishes itself with a diverse game library, generous bonuses, and a superior app, enhancing the player experience.

  • Jackpot Guru Casino

    Jackpot Guru Casino is a trusted casino in India, founded in 2021. They offer over 700 games, a welcome bonus of up to ₹100,000 and more.

  • is an online casino established in 2014. It has many games, a user-friendly mobile app, a VIP program, and various tournaments for players to enjoy.

  • Bettilt Casino

    Bettilt Casino is a legitimate and secure casino that operates in India. The site has many games from popular providers and different types of promotions and bonuses.

  • Tusk Casino

    Tusk Casino is a reputable casino with different types of games and a live casino section. They also provide a welcome bonus of up to 10,000 INR.

  • 10CRIC Casino

    10CRIC Casino is a reliable online casino that boasts an impressive game selection that includes slots, table games, live casino, sports betting, and many more.

  • Queen Vegas Casino

    Queen Vegas Casino is a reliable online casino with over 1,200 games, including progressive jackpots and live casino games, plus a variety of bonuses and promotions.

  • JungliWin Casino

    JungliWin Casino is a casino with a very good reputation that accepts Indian Rupees as well as cryptocurrencies. The casino provides over 2,000 games and numerous bonuses.

  • RickyCasino

    Ricky Casino is a user-friendly gambling website with plenty of games to choose from and a variety of payment options, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

  • Casinonic Casino

    Casinonic Casino is an online gambling platform with a large games library, many payment options, and a great bonus selection, including a generous welcome offer.

  • Flappy Casino

    Flappy Casino is new casino, licensed in Curacao, offers over 7,500 games and supports multiple currencies, including cryptocurrencies. With strong security measures like blockchain transactions, RNGs, and SSL encryption, the platform ensures fair play. Generous bonuses and mobile optimization enhance the gaming experience.

  • CasinoLuck

    Trusted online platform, CasinoLuck, captivates with an extensive array of reputable developer games, minimal wagering requirements, and a consistent surge of great promotions and bonuses.

  • SG Casino

    SG Casino has a diverse section of games with more than 6,000 titles, plus sports betting. The casino also has a good number of popular payment methods.

  • BetIndi Casino

    BetIndi is a fun casino website with a sophisticated layout that has a variety of bonuses and promotions. In addition to casino games, BetIndi also offers sports betting.

  • Rabona Casino

    Rabona Casino operates in many countries, including India. The site has a variety of games you can play, plenty of promotions, and customer support available 24/7.

  • Glassi Casino

    Glassi Casino is a legitimate casino with an impressive library of more than 5,000 games, including slots, table games, and live casino games, provided by renowned developers.

  • CricBaba Casino

    CricBaba Casino offers a huge selection of casino games, including live dealer games. The casino accepts various payment options, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

  • Melbet Casino

    Melbet Casino is a reliable online casino with a wide range of casino games and a sports betting section. The casino has strong customer support as well.

  • Bollywood Casino

    Bollywood Casino has plenty of casino games from different providers, many promotions and bonuses, and customer support in Hindi, on a fun, user-friendly website.

  • Casino Casino has a great interface that's user-friendly and works well on mobile devices too. You can find more than 4,600 casino games at this website.

  • Thunderpick Casino

    With more than 3,000 casino games to go with sports and eSports betting, Thunderpick Casino is one of the most interesting online casinos in India.

  • Dolfwin Casino

    6500+ slot games, football-focused sportsbook, and an easy-to-use interface make Dolfwin Casino a top Indian platform. It accepts UPI, crypto, e-wallets, and net banking.

  • FEZBet Casino

    FezBet Casino is an online gambling platform with a mobile-friendly interface, reliable customer support, and a generous welcome offer for new casino players.

  • Zet Casino

    Zet Casino offers a lot of casino games to choose from, including live casino games. It also has an exciting VIP programme and a variety of payment methods.

  • Odds96 Casino

    Odds96 Casino is a secure casino that provides over 3,000 different types of casino games, along with sports betting. The casino offers many deposit options, including UPI and AstroPay.

  • Roku Casino

    Roku Casino is a reliable casino focused on safety and design. It also holds a diverse library of over 4,000 games, including slots, table games, live casino, and sports betting.

  • 20Bet Casino

    20Bet Casino is a safe gambling platform for both casino and sports betting enthusiasts. It offers a wide range of payment methods, including Skrill, Paytm, UPI, and more.

  • BetShah Casino

    BetShah Casino is a reputable casino with more than 4,000 slots and other games, along with a nice variety of bonuses and promotions for new and existing players.

  • PureWin Casino

    PureWin Casino is a well-organized website that allows Indian players to use Rupees. The site has a large collection of games, including the live casino section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Teen Patti is a popular card game that originated in India and many online casinos in this country have it. It is similar to poker in some ways, but the hands consist of three cards instead of five, which is the main, but not the only difference.

There are many Teen Patti variations that you can find and play online, but probably more can be found across India. We have presented some of the best 3 Patti variants here, so make sure to check them out.

As we said, there are many variations offered by Indian casinos online. That being said, probably the few most popular ones are Joker, Joker Hunt, Sudden Death, Banko, Odds Sequence, High-Low Split and others.

Yes, most online casinos in India offer different versions of Teen Patti in their live casino sections.

Sean Byrne
Sean Byrne

Sean is a talented sports and casino content editor who was born and raised in England. He has always had a love for sports, particularly football (soccer) and cricket, and has been an avid sports bettor for many years. Sean's passion for sports and gambling led him to pursue a career as a writer, and he has since become an expert in creating engaging and informative content for sports and casino websites.